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Roberts Space Industries ®

Drac & Luger: research and exploration / DLRE

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Transport

Welcome to our Org Profile. Feel free to browse the member list and check our Recruitment section if you wish to join us.


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What do you see when you look up at the stars at night? Do you see a void of the unknown or do you see boundless opportunities?If you’re like us at Drac & Luger, you see more of the latter. Founded on a genuine desire to contribute to the research, development and gathering of materials and resources for collection and redistribution; we explore the stars, harvest and cultivate materials from the various planets, and seek to offer our services to those who need them.

We welcome those who share our vision of becoming a prominent player in the exploration, research and resources market. While we are small currently(as of 2019), we envision a time when our growth will match the size of our ship fleets and that our end result will speak for itself. We understand it will take time and it will take work; it will also take a team, a body of like-minded individuals who will pull together with us to reach the goal.

Join us at Drac & Luger: Research and Exploration and become apart of that team. Together we will go to the stars and beyond, pursuing, collecting, preparing for whatever the future brings. Every Planet for Everyone.


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