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Roberts Space Industries ®

Cult of Vecna / VECNA

  • Faith
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting
  • Freelancing

Vecna the glorious lord of death and secrets. His body was destroyed but his endless power can never be snuffed out. We are the ones stand vigil over his secrets and texts until the day of his return. We are the Vecna’s chosen and none shall deny our lord’s conquest over the galaxy.


In a time beyond any memory the glorious Vecna was but a mere man but he knew that he was destined for more. He studied forbidden arts and eventually discovered how to become one with death. The newly ascended Vecna soon subjugated those who denied his right to rule the world. Vecna trusted few but there was one who he trusted above all. His right hand man was named Kas, and to Kas he entrusted a powerful artifact. A sword that had a piece of Vecna’s very soul in it. But Vecna forgot one thing, even a fragment of himself is smarter and more powerful than any mere mortal. The fragment of Vecna’s soul corrupted Kas and convinced him that he was more worthy to rule than our lord. So Kas took the artifact he was given and slayed Vecna. With his dying breath Vecna unleashed his power on Kas and destroyed Kas the Betrayor were he stood. p. But there was something Vecna had not even shared with Kas. Vecna had acended even farther beyond his mortal form. Vecna’s limitless power had granted him godhood and dominion over death and secrets. When Kas had destroyed Vecna’s body he released his spirit to the cosmos where now he waits until his power returns and he regains a body to reclaim his dominon over the universe. The


Our esteemed leaders have summoned a conclave to put into writing the foundation of our Faith. Please come back soon to learn more about our community.


Our esteemed leaders have summoned a conclave to put into writing the foundation of our Faith. Please come back soon to learn more about our community.