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Roberts Space Industries ®


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Similarly to the original, the Magi Achiral is used to run the various systems of WILLEs base of operation, as of now we are still working on understanding the Magi Achiral and the Magi Chiral as well as what role the Original Magi System plays alongside WILLEs version.


The S.C. Magi System (マギ) are a trio of supercomputers designed by Dr. Naoko Akagi during her research into bio-computers while at Gehirn. The Magi’s 7th generation organic computers were implanted with three differing aspects of Dr. Naoko Akagi’s personality using the Personality Transplant OS (Operating System), being her persona as a woman (Casper-Magi 3), her persona as a mother (Balthasar-Magi 2), and her persona as a scientist (Melchior-Magi 1). Upon completion of the Magi and the subsequent death of Naoko, the Magi were transferred into NERVs possession.

At some point after their completion, presumably soon after, NERV began to produce replica Magi for their international facilities. It is unclear if these magi use the same personalities as the original or if they use some other system.


In honor of the Magi System, the Magi Achiral, Dr. Naoko Akagi, Dr. Ritsuko Akagi and their teams, we hope to bring some of the knowledge and values that accompanied the Magis throughout the years to the vast and complex game that is and will be Star Citizen.


The organization does not impose precise rules upon it’s members outside from the game’s own rules.