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Roberts Space Industries ®

Grey Beards In Space / GBIS

  • Club
  • Casual
  • Exploration
  • Resources

In the vast expanse of Star Citizen, the Grey Beards In Space, seasoned adventurers bound by wisdom and camaraderie, explore, battle threats, and leave a legacy. Their valor and unity inspire others across the cosmos.


I. Founding of the Grey Beards

A. Gathering of seasoned adventurers

B. Formation of the Grey Beards In Space

II. Early Exploration and Establishment

A. Initial expeditions into uncharted space

B. Establishment of outposts and bases

III. Challenges and Triumphs

A. Encounters with hostile forces

B. Overcoming adversity through unity and courage

IV. Expansion and Influence

A. Growth of the organization

B. Influence on other factions and alliances

V. Legacy and Future

A. Contributions to exploration and discovery

B. Impact on the universe of Star Citizen

C. Vision for the future and continued endeavors


In the vast expanse of space, where the stars twinkle with stories untold, a fellowship of seasoned adventurers known as the Grey Beards emerged. Bound by friendship and shared experiences, they were not defined by age but by their wisdom and camaraderie forged over years of exploration and adventure. As the galaxy of Star Citizen expanded, the Grey Beards recognized the need for an organization that embodied their values of integrity, teamwork, and respect for the unknown. Thus, they formed the Grey Beards In Space, a beacon of guidance and support amidst the vastness of the cosmos.

Clad in sturdy exo-suits adorned with symbols reminiscent of ancient traditions, the Grey Beards navigated the stars aboard their formidable starships, ever vigilant against threats to mankind’s prosperity. Drawing inspiration from the tales of ancient warriors, they embodied resilience and ferocity, celebrated for their valor in battle and unwavering allegiance to humanity’s advancement.

Each member brought unique skills to the organization, from seasoned pilots and cunning traders to master engineers and shrewd diplomats. Despite their diverse backgrounds, they shared a common goal: to explore the depths of space, uncover its secrets, and leave a legacy for future generations.

Guided by collective wisdom and unwavering determination, the Grey Beards In Space ventured into the unknown, facing challenges with courage and resilience. They established outposts, forged alliances, and charted new frontiers, leaving an indelible mark on the galaxy.

Their journey was fraught with peril, encountering hostile forces and treacherous environments that tested their resolve. Yet, through friendship and unwavering loyalty, the Grey Beards stood firm, overcoming every obstacle.

As their legend grew, so too did their influence, inspiring others to join their cause. Together, they continued to explore the reaches of space, leaving behind a legacy that would endure for generations.

The saga of the Grey Beards unfolded—a tale of courage, camaraderie, exploration, and enlightenment echoing across the cosmos. In the ever-expanding universe of Star Citizen, they stood as a shining example of what could be achieved when kindred spirits united in pursuit of a common dream.


Charter of the Grey Beards In Space

Unity: Members shall uphold unity and mutual respect, fostering a supportive environment for all within the organization.

Integrity: Honesty and integrity shall guide members’ actions, ensuring trust and reliability within the community.

Teamwork: Collaboration and teamwork are paramount; members shall work together harmoniously towards common goals.

Exploration: Exploration is our core mission; members shall prioritize discovery, charting new frontiers, and unlocking the mysteries of the cosmos.

Defense: Members shall defend the organization and its allies against threats, displaying valor and bravery in the face of adversity.

Diplomacy: Diplomatic relations with other factions and organizations shall be conducted with respect and professionalism, seeking peaceful resolutions whenever possible.

Innovation: Innovation and creativity are encouraged; members shall push the boundaries of knowledge and technology to advance our collective endeavors.

Legacy: Members shall strive to leave a lasting legacy, enriching the universe and inspiring future generations of explorers.

Adherence: All members shall adhere to the rules and regulations set forth by the organization, promoting order and discipline within our ranks.

Evolution: The organization shall adapt and evolve over time, embracing change and growth while remaining true to our core values.

By adhering to these principles, members of the Grey Beards In Space shall uphold the honor and integrity of our organization, ensuring a bright future for all who venture among the stars.