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Roberts Space Industries ®

Kingdoms of Star Citizen / KGSC

  • Faith
  • Regular
  • Exploration
  • Security

Welcome to Kingdoms of Star Citizen! An exciting new take on an Organisation, where you really can be who you want to be.

With a fun Medieval theme, KGSC provides a Medieval take on a Modern Verse. In KGSC, you have the freedom to pursue your own agenda whilst being part of a wider family.



Within Kingdoms of Star Citizen, each ‘House’ has the freedom to pursue it’s own Manifesto (subject to acceptance of the Charter). No ‘if’s’ or ‘but’s’.


1. The name of each ‘Kingdom’ will begin with the title ‘House’

2. The leader of each ‘House’ will be it’s King or Queen.

3. All members of each ‘House’ will be it’s ‘Citizens’ in addition to any other titles bestowed by it’s Leader.

3. The leader of each ‘House’ will appoint their own Nobles from its Citizens to facilitate the operations of it’s own ‘House’ using the following titles; Duke/Duchess, Earl/Countess, Viscount/Viscountess, Baron/Baroness, Knight/Dame.

4. (Subject to this Charter) Each ‘House’ may create it’s own rules, own it’s own territories, structures, ships and other assets within the verse and operate as an independent Kingdom.

5. Every ‘House’ shall have within it a mechanism allowing another ‘House’ to call upon it for aid in times of famine (food, water, fuel), war or other hostile action (such as griefing) with an outside faction. Such requests, should be duly considered by the Leader or appointed Noble with an expectation of providing assistance. A reporting mechanism shall exist for occasions where aid has been refused / withdrawn.

6. A ‘House’ may only declare war or take hostile action against another ‘House’ within KGSC with a Writ (consent) from the Emperor. All such hostile actions/wars will be for a specified duration or until a certain condition is met as decreed by the Emperor.

7. It is the responsibility of the Leader of each ‘House’ to ensure that it’s Citizens are not subjected to any form of discrimination, abuse, bullying or offensive behaviour.

8. A mechanism shall exist within each ‘House’ for it’s citizens to report and have dealt with such behaviour as described in rule 7.

9. All Leaders, Nobles and Citizens within each ‘House’ are subject to the rules of this Charter. Where a conflict occurs with the own rules of a ‘House’, this Charter reigns supreme.

10. Continued membership of ‘Kingdoms of Star Citizen’ is conditional to acceptance and continual adherence to this charter.