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Roberts Space Industries ®

Kill It With Fire / KIWF

  • Organization
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Security

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Kill It With Fire is a mercenary and mercantile nation that is located on the edge of UEE settled space. The active patrol area of KIWF settlements extend approximately 20 light years in diameter from the Banshee star system. With the exception of the Vanduul clans and nearby Banu outposts, KIWF strive to be the preeminent commercial and military power within the south-western fringe territories.

Within these territories, the KIWF maintain a confederation of fourteen distinct settlements with the largest and most active of operations taking place on Banshee III (Lorona). KIWF refugees arrived in the Banshee system in late twenty-eighth century as a direct result of the massacre of Garron II. As their influence increased, KIWF territory took shape, and the governing body was officially founded in 2796.

The Massacre of Garron II occurred in on April 11, 2792 when a terraforming corporation began to terraform an inhabited planet, killing all of the sentient, but not jump capable, inhabitants. While the corporation vehemently denied that the aliens were capable of conscious thought, activist vid-footage leaked to the Spectrum proved that they were self-aware. It also revealed that the Corp was closely tied to the Imperator’s family, and there was an advanced colony of human scientists on-planet that were studying the native species. The Massacre served as the last straw for Anti-UEE activists and the settlement, and lead to the subsequent overthrow of the government. These events also lead to the creation of the Fair Chance Act.

Kill It With Fire holdings are run by a ruling council of ex-military and merchants, wealth is the primary calculus of one’s status in society. Though newcomers do possess some freedoms, they are only limited by their lack of affluence. It is not unheard of for fresh faces to raise in social status quickly among KIWF, normally a result of a benefactor’s kindness.


The KIWF mercantile class strictly controls the flow of goods, services, and travelers within its territory. Citizens of KIWF do trade and interact with outsiders, but this interaction is “UEE officially” limited to three systems, Banshee, Tamsa and Yulin. Despite this self-imposed isolation, foreigners may do business with merchants on other worlds without association oversight and protection. English is the official language, but German and Spanish are also spoken. There is no domestic currency, nor is there UEE communication emplacements, so the administrative authority and military presence controls all large scale commerce and information.


By UEE standards (excluding the Vanduul Clans), KIWF maintains a relatively large standing army. Originally, the local authorities contracted various deep space mercenary companies, but as UEE influence increased, so too did the flow of war materiels and civilian supplies, and is approximately equal to that of the core systems in 2949.

Gradually KIWF amassed a standing army. KIWF is composed of “Regional Defense Forces” and a “Convoy Protection Force”. RDFs possess conventional combat vehicles and mechanized battle armor and are used primarily as combined-arms garrisons and pirate hunters. RDFs 1-5 are brigade-sized commands composed of a warship flight and conventional forces. Armor from RDF 6 (a single reserve regiment) are rapidly deployed to supplement each RDF. Fighter assets are deployed in star (companies) of craft, while conventional forces are fielded as battalions. KIWF has never fielded greater than a galaxy (flotilla) of capital ships in a single military operation, but the capacity is supposedly there. KIWF has also maintained many mercenary contracts, bolstering the size of their assets a significant distance within UEE patrol territory.

The Convoy Protection Force (CPF) is a instrument of intimidation and peace of mind used by Kill It With Fire. The CPF is composed of marines, mercantile ships, aerospace assets, assault dropShips, and “militarized scout ships”. Though the CPF is normally deployed to ensure the security of KIWF trade ships, the CPF has been deployed to rout, cripple or blockade competing interests within surrounding sectors. The CPF has also altered its tactics, and have experimented in deployment as considerable strike forces.

Each KIWF galaxy (unit) is commanded by a Galaxy Commander, a post which is both
mercantile and martial in nature. Funding for KIWF units is uncertain, but Galaxy Commanders generally receive a percentage of the profits made by merchants operating within their jurisdiction.

Spare parts, especially for warships and cutting-edge fighters, are occasionally in short supply, owing to the great displacement between KIWF territory and the United Earth Empire. However, KWIF does possess the industrial capacity to produce weaponry and equipment for repair.