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Roberts Space Industries ®

Portents of Pusheen Panacea / PORTENTS

  • Faith
  • Regular
  • Social
  • Freelancing

We are harbingers and heralds. All shall learn of the hope and harmony freely enjoyed through the power of PUSHEEN!


Beginning in the early 21st century, long before Humanity had grasped the stars, a simple drawing of a feline graced their primitive communication network. The feline could take many forms, sometimes cuddly, sometimes vengeful, but always hungry. It is from that hunger, that drive to survive, that the panacea of Pusheen was first distilled.

Now, almost a millennium later, we seek to share that same panacea. Humanity may have flown beyond their ancestral home, but have they truly grown? It is the pursuit of survival, hunger, that drives us still. Embrace your hunger! Feed it not for your own satisfaction, but that it may grow more abundantly. Pursue your hunger, and when you find panacea, proclaim it!

We are the Portents of Pusheen Panacea.


We are the heralds of the rising sun; The waves of the oncoming storm. Arise! Arise, my fellow portents. Proclaim the panacea that comes only from Pusheen. Put aside petty nyaning. Resist the siren song of the bongo. Cure all with Pusheen!


Our esteemed leaders have summoned a conclave to put into writing the foundation of our Faith. Please come back soon to learn more about our community.