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Roberts Space Industries ®

Sons of Thunder / SONTHNDR

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Freelancing
  • Exploration

Just some good ol’ boys trying to do right in the eyes of God. We are freelancers, traders, smugglers, bounty hunters, etc. We don’t pirate, deal in harmful drugs, or slave trade… but we might steal your slaves and set ‘em free.


We are family. We always have been. Our bloodlines may come from divergent origins, but some families are forged through the blood of another.

The founders have been teaming up since the days of EverQuest. We’ve had an open policy towards inviting others and helping wherever we can. It’s just in our nature.


We are a band of freelancers trading goods and services for a fair profit. We will provide for the needy, help the injured, free the enslaved, and stand against corruption. We will not dictate where you go or demand your service. No one is bound by any oath other than the one they give the Lord, and that is between you and Him.

We serve any opportunity to serve death to the Vanduul.

Our goal is to have a family friendly environment and serve the Lord who has set us free. We are Christian and invite others to join if they wish to have a refuge to go to.


Leaders & officers serve to settle disputes and maintain alliance relationships. Anyone can lead a team, start an event, or join another Org (so long as it’s not a pirate org). Ranking is based on your good standing, but mostly exists for fun.

Rather than commanding members to do this or that, we have a small set of rules. We will not demand your service or credits. It’s your ship and a big universe, have fun.

We don’t want to weigh everything down with a bunch of rules, but some rules and structure is necessary for an Org to work.

—The rules are simple:
1. Help your brother if you are able
2. Be a good Samaritan
3. Deal fairly with others
4. No pirating, slave trading, or narcotics (we’re the good guys)
5. Do what is right in the eyes of God
6. Watch your language in chat

Nothing is grounds for immediate dismissal and forgiveness is inherent as long as you’re heart is contrite.

Continually breaking rules would be cause for dismissal.